Military Dog Dies While Awaiting Treatment From V.A.

By: Ben Gauwitz
An Armed Forces canine named Valor died this week in Bexar County, Texas. Valor, a 52* year old German Shepherd, bravely served in the 37th Security Forces Squadron from 2010-2016.
Born in Germany, Valor was purchased by the U.S. Military at three months old. He was shipped to Texas and trained at Lackland Air Force Base. Valor’s specialties included detecting explosives, tracking fugitives, and giving kissies.
Valor served three 2-year tours of duty amassing numerous accolades- most notably the American Humane Lois Pope LIFE K-9 Medal of Courage and the United States Military Working Dog Service Award.
For all the press heaped and honors bestowed upon his return, Valor was soon forgotten by the American people, the U.S. Government, and most importantly, the Department of Veteran Affairs. After being delayed treatment for several months, Valor died of complications due to fleas.
Some Veteran advocate groups are hoping that Valor’s case will result in someone looking into what the fuck is actually happening with the treatment soldiers receive after returning home from active duty.
Valor is remembered by those who knew him best as a “good boy.” He is survived by his thirty two children.
*Denotes dog years