Word Brothel Calls Redo On Warren Endorsement

By Word Brothel HQ
Look guys, nobody’s perfect. Giant corporate entities like ourselves may seem like they are impervious to poor decision-making, but what are massive conglomerates with unimaginable international influence if not but a mere a group of people with flaws? It is our ability to admit our gaffes to our viewership, however, that allows us to continue to be a reputable business.
Yes, we did endorse former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg for what we thought was going to be a big cash payoff. We never hid that truth from anyone. When Bloomberg paid Instagram hacks like Shithead Steve and Fuck Jerry for copy/paste memes while never once monetarily acknowledging the great original journalistic work we did on his behalf, we were among the first to call him out. We took our eggs right out of the golden Bloomberg basket and dropped them all into the hand-woven, locally sourced Elizabeth Warren basket. Liz was the hero that was going elevate the moral standards of this country and tax the fuck out of the billions of dollars that were never shared with Word Brothel.
Did we mention we’re not perfect? In light of recent events and with great humility we must again cop to our reflexive nature. With Elizabeth Warren formally out of the democratic race, Word Brothel officially calls take-backs on our endorsement of Liz. We can all agree that it is only fair to get a redo if your candidate drops out of the race, right? So, let’s consider those last two endorsements annulled and start afresh.
It is with immense excitement and a generous grassroots cash injection that Word Brothel officially endorses Bernie Sanders for President of the United States. Bernie was honestly always our first pick in our hearts, but like all good Jim and Pam relationships, sometimes nerves and previously established dating situations get in the way. But now that Roy is out of the way, we can finally be with Bern and gently ask him to tax the fuck out of Michael Bloomberg.