VP-elect Mike Pence’s Review of “Hamilton”

Word Brothel Theater Review Exclusive
By: Mike Pence
To say that my breath was taken away would be the understatement of the century. Hamilton was a brilliant retelling of an important time in our nation’s history, but told through a modern style with a diverse cast. In the current political climate it is more important than ever for these voices to be heard and I truly felt like I was experiencing something monumental. I’ve long been a fan of Broadway and musicals. I rank this right up there with Rent, The Color Purple, and anything written by Stephen Sondheim. Fabulous work from everyone involved Hamilton! The fact that the epilogue included my name came as a huge surprise since the show opened well before the election. It just goes to show you how ahead of its time this masterpiece is. If I were to make one change, there’d be less fags and coloreds in there though.