Man’s Family Held Hostage Until He Posted 10 Concerts He’s Seen And Made One of Them a Lie

By: Jason Elewski
BRECKSVILLE, OH—With the click of a button, a family was saved from a tragic fate. Dylan Haywood, 34, an avid opponent of all Facebook list games, woke up this past Wednesday to a devastating email with his morning coffee. “I just thought everyone was sleeping in, ya know, that is until I opened this weird message,” said Haywood via Twitter. The message in question turned out to be a ransom note from the still unknown assailants. Their demands? That Haywood participate in the Facebook trend in which people list ten bands that they have seen live in concert with the caveat that one of them is a lie.
It took Dylan Haywood all of five minutes to realize what he had to do. He spent the next three hours composing the perfect list. As a self-described “fan of everything”, Haywood has seen a vast array of concerts in his 34 years of living. Finding the right mix of artists to not only show what kind of person he is, but to also throw off his followers as to which one was fake, was no easy task. With his family and his social media reputation at stake, he couldn’t let even one item on the list go unchecked.
After hours of deliberation, Haywood hit send, but not without having added a disclaimer to his post, reminding his friends and followers that he “[doesn’t] normally participate in these kinds of stupid things, but I’m practically being forced to, so I guess I gotta.” Following his post, Haywood informed the public, through and Instagram photo, that he was reunited with his loved ones. Confident that his family is once again safe, Dylan has spent the rest of his day refreshing his Facebook page, watching those sweet Likes roll in.