Get That Hot Summer Bod Using Ed Sheeran’s New Fad Diet

By: Erika Hakmiller
Awww, who’s that cute widdle ba…Oh. Wait. That is a full grown man. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, despite the flawless skin, big eyes, and childlike charm, this picture is of 26-year-old Ed Sheeran. How does he look so young? He follows a strict diet and exercise plan inspired by preschoolers that, according to the man-baby himself, keeps both his body AND mind young. If you follow his method, you’re sure to be in love with the shape of YOU this summer.
Ed Sheeran starts every morning like most children, by waking up in his crib and waiting for a real adult to take him out. For breakfast he has a protein rich banana cut into small pieces and Cheerios that he eats right off of the tray that keeps him from falling out of his high chair. After a sippy cup of milk, this music sensation is ready to go!
His morning exercise consists of running on the playground and struggling to keep his footing with his weak legs due to his large infant-like head. Sheeran reported that the song “Shape of You” was actually written about the curvy slide at Chantry Park.
Moving right along! When it comes time for Sheeran’s mid-morning snack, it’s apple slices or nothing. After a few hours it’s time for lunch, or as Ed calls it, the most important meal of the day. Assuming the morning activities haven’t left our little artist too tired, he usually enjoys a large lunch. Grilled cheese, mac and cheese, pretty much anything with cheese is good for Ed as long as there’s a bib for this messy eater.
If you want to look like Ed on the beach this summer, it’s going to take more than just eating and exercising. Our precious pop star tuckers out for his afternoon nap from 12:30-2:30 PM every day. Lights off. Sound machine on. He claims that this is an essential part of his health regiment.
Last but not least, the lovable lad enjoys his dinner. Around 5:30PM, Ed has a small portion of spaghetti (which he charmingly calls “sgetti”) and a side of avocado that he eats in little pieces with a fork. Although he still holds it in a closed fist, our little buddy has really mastered using utensils instead of his hands (as seen pictured left)!
By following this fun and easy routine, anyone can get the childlike figure of the one and only Ed Sheeran!
(This diet may not be suitable for adults with jobs and other responsibilities)