Everybody Loves Raymond, They’re Just Not In Love With Raymond Anymore And It’s Important That You Know It’s Not Your Fault

By: Everybody
It’s Important that we start this by saying it is nobody’s fault, especially not yours, but we have fallen out of love with Raymond. Sometimes a person and the entirety of humankind fall in love and they think it will last forever, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case here. We had some great times and will always cherish the memories we have with Raymond. It’s just that all of us and Raymond have changed and are on separate paths in life now.
There’s still a lot to love about Raymond—his kind smile, his knowledge of sports, his nasally laugh. It’s hard for us to talk about because it’s taken so long to say it out loud, but Raymond just isn’t for everybody. We gave it a shot and had some great times, but in the end what’s best for everybody isn’t what’s best for Raymond. Listen kiddo, think of it like The Beatles. Everybody loved it when they played their instruments together, but if they hadn’t broken up we would never have Wings or Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band.
It’s natural to blame yourself when every living being on the planet and Raymond split up, but don’t. We all still love you and want to be a part of your life. You can spend weekends with Raymond and weekdays with the rest of us until we figure something out. It’s just a temporary arrangement. The Raymond that we fell in love with just isn’t the same person anymore and we have to accept that and move on.
Your classmates or co-workers would normally have a lot of questions that can be uncomfortable for you to answer. Fortunately for you they’re everybody too and already know what’s going on, so you have it better than a lot of people who go through this situation. Raymond is obviously taking this pretty hard. It would be nice if you took him to a movie or played catch with him to take his mind off of things.
Whatever happens between all of us and Raymond, know that you are loved unconditionally. Unlike Raymond, whose love from us was dependent upon several factors that he just couldn’t live up to anymore.