Headless Horseman Denied Medicare For Pre-Existing Condition (Type 1 Diabetes)

By: Jennifer Allman
Tarrytown, NY—The Headless Horseman, Sleepy Hollow resident and lovable stablehand, took to GoFundMe last week to raise money for his medical bills. As a result of the Republican administration’s newest amendment to the Affordable Care Act, Horseman was denied health insurance for having a pre-existing condition: type 1 Diabetes, the disease that led to his headlessness. Says Horseman through the hole in his neck, “I make an honest living, caring for these beautiful beasts. But now I worry— I don’t know how much time I’ll have left. Who will mix the grain for Bucky and Footloose? I just had to reach out for help, so I made this campaign. I don’t know what else to do.”
Horseman was diagnosed at the age of 8 in the year 1790. At the ripe young age of 227 years old, he shouldn’t have to worry about his health. Horseman originally qualified for Medicare back in 1967, but as of January 1, 2018 he will no longer be eligible for coverage. According to Horseman, his health declined significantly when he developed peripheral artery disease in his neck and the only way to save his life was through cranial removal surgery (or in laymen’s terms, be-heading). The surgery itself cost Horseman roughly 5.2 million USD. Horseman also needs a new insulin pump. Without insurance, his expenses can cost upwards of $6,500. Horseman says this is just the first of a long line of expenses in his treatments. His personal goal is to be healthy enough to undergo surgery for cranial reattachment.
The community of Sleepy Hollow is banding together to support Horseman. Even Ichabod Crane, Horseman’s sworn nemesis, has taken up arms for the cause. Crane stated, “The Headless Horseman should have the right to affordable, accessible healthcare. He qualified for coverage for decades without even having a head and now he can’t get coverage because he has diabetes. Nearly 10% of Americans are diabetic! Please, look into your hearts and donate what you can spare.”
If you feel so inclined, and are able, please consider donating to The Headless Horseman’s fund on GoFundMe, “HELP HORESEMAN HANDLE HIS HEADLESSNESS”.
Rewards for donating include:
$5- A Sleepy Hollow postcard, signed by The Headless Horseman
$20- An artisanal jack o’ lantern carved by The Headless Horseman
$100- A Horseback ride through Idyllic Sleepy Hollow of Tarrytown, NY with The Headless Horseman
$1,000- A private picnic with The Headless Horseman where you can watch him shovel a whole turkey leg down his open gullet and then help him mix up a homemade insulin substitute in his authentic 18th century cauldron (must bring own turkey leg).