5 Times The Crew From Jaws Accidentally Switched The Animatronic Shark With A Real One

1. There was the time Lorraine Gary was eaten by a shark because of the crew’s fatal mixup.
2. Then there was the time the first clone of Lorraine Gary was similarly eaten by an actual shark because the animatronic one was where the real shark was supposed to be and vice versa. Whoops!
3. One time it was just some menacing shark swimming B-roll being filmed, but it looked awful because the animatronic shark was being filmed instead of the real one. What a waste of everyone’s time and studio money!
4. Who could forget the time that the second clone of Lorraine Gary was eaten? That’s three different genetically identical Ellen Brody’s in this single movie!
5. And no list of the number of times the crew from Jaws accidentally switched the animatronic shark with a real one would be complete without this instance. It’s, of course, the time they planned a prank to scare the third clone of Lorraine Gary with the animatronic shark, which ended in her being eaten by an actual shark.