Owner Returns Home To Find Cats Changed Channel From Animal Planet To Stray Cats Fighting (10 Hours) YouTube Video

By: Max Stolte
MILWAUKEE, WI—Cats: they’re just like us. That’s what shocked pet owner Caroline Parks found when she left an Animal Planet marathon on birds for her cats to watch on television while she was shopping and returned to the disturbing sounds of cats brutally attacking each other. “It would be like leaving your preteen reading a young adult novel and coming home to them watching Bum Fights. Exactly like that actually, because being a cat parent is just as hard as being a real parent.”
Somehow in the span of two hours, her two cats Bimsy and Pamplemousse were able to open the YouTube app and find graphic cat content. Viewed videos ranging from Cat Gets Head Caught In Birdcage (OUCH!) to Cat Sex Barbed Penis Latching On Compilation littered the search history of these once innocent felines’ personal YouTube accounts.
Toddlers and tabbies alike are susceptible to the sex and violence pushing algorithms of the internet. Able to breeze right by the parental controls since you use their names as passwords, there’s no stopping your kitties and kiddies from watching a man get mauled by a tiger or watching a tiger get poached by a man, respectively.
After a stern talking to and a few nights of dry food only dinners, Caroline thinks she has set her little Bimsy and Pamplemousse on the straight and narrow path. However, this reporter knows that once Pandora’s Box of disturbing imagery has been opened, there’s no shutting it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve hit my required word count and will be logging on to watch free climbing fail videos and front yard brawls caught on Ring doorbell cams.