Ahead Of Their Time? These Actors Haven’t Worked In Years!

By: Max Stolte
HOLLYWOOD, CA—SAG actors are joining WGA writers on the picket line. It’s a beautiful show of solidarity amongst the people who make movies happen and against the talentless people who impede the creative process at every turn. It’s time we pay the respect that’s due to the actors who saw this coming and stopped working years before the strike.

Daniel Day-Lewis
The most brilliant actor of a generation and perhaps the most clairvoyant. Daniel Day-Lewis not only refused to work anymore in 2017, standing up to the big studios who were exploiting him, he’s also been mailing CEOs little boxes of bird shit. What an inspiration!

Emilio Estavez
Since The Public (2018), Emilio has been rather private. Staying out of the limelight and fighting the good fight against those greedy big budget studios is his lane now. You won’t see his likeness computer generated anytime soon. Not because they couldn’t, but probably because the younger generations who would eat that shit up have no idea who he is. Stay strong Emilio.

Cameron Diaz
Feel like you haven’t seen Cameron Diaz in anything since 2018? You’re not alone. She called it quits after starring in Annie and the studios are big mad. This queen of solidarity has been not crossing the picket line since before there even was one. Way to go girl!

Gal Gadot
You may be saying, “Wait a minute, wasn’t she in Death on the Nile last year?” It’s true, Gal Gadot has been technically working lately, but we’re not sure any of what she’s been doing can be considered acting. This break from acting shouldn’t be too hard on her.

James Woods
While he did a voice acting job in 2019, he hasn’t been on the screen much in years. Typically you don’t see this level of union support from a Republican, but Mr. Woods has been unwavering in his support of the Screen Actors Guild by not acting for years. I think we’ll be coming around on this guy soon.

Randy Quaid
Between 2009 and now, Randy Quaid has been in a single movie titled All You Can Eat. Besides being in a comedy about being fat, this guy has an impeccable record when it comes to showing support for his fellow actors. Like James, he went a little off the deep end politically speaking, but with the amount of not acting he’s done, we think it’s time to uncancel this working class hero.

Robin Williams
It brings us no joy to include this entry of the list. While it seems in poor taste, it simply cannot be ignored that Robin Williams has not appeared in anything since his tragic death. He was beloved by all, especially the little guys standing up to the billionaires. If they would use AI to bring anyone back to life, it would undoubtedly be him. That would both bring us some much needed closure and cut costs while boosting revenue, but that slippery slope will not be skied upon. Rest easy king. If you’re still entertaining angels, please take a much needed break.