Embarrassing! This Student Called His Teacher ‘Mom’ While Having Sex With Her In Parking Lot

MIDDLETON, OH—A Bulldog at Middleton Middle School got a little red in the face this week and it wasn’t just his Middleton Middle face paint that was to blame. 7th grader Gabe Gibson called the inexplicably attractive and eligible bachelorette Ms. Shaw “mom” while having sex with her in the faculty parking lot.
Sadly for young Gabriel, any street cred he may have accumulated by boning one of the only female teachers who wasn’t on the brink of retirement will be completely cancelled out by his accidentally calling her mom. The hierarchy of popularity revealed itself as the kids below the cool threshold offered fist bumps, while the more popular kids looked down upon him with contempt and disgust.
Carry Shaw, the disgraced teacher, is reportedly getting huge laughs from her fellow inmates who can’t believe what a dumbass nerd Gabe was in that fateful moment.
Had Gabe only waited until the Oedipus unit of the curriculum, he may have saved face and normalized a mommy fetish amongst his peers. Unfortunately, he will go down in the annals of Middleton Middle history as the boy who fucked his teacher, but wanted to fuck his mom instead.